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Mythology—Original Text Translations
Cath Maige Tuired: The Second Battle of Moytura
Tain Bo Cualnge: The Cattle Raid of Cooley - 1904 translation by L. Winifred Faraday
Tain Bo Cualnge: The Cattle Raid of Cooley - Side-by-side 1914 translation by Joseph Dunn with 1905 Irish transcription of Ernst Windisch.
Gods and Fighting Men: The Story of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland by Lady Gregory
Mythology—Compendium Sites and Retellings
Corpus of Electronic Texts - Celtic - Translations of a wide variety of Celtic and Irish literature
Beliefs and Legends of Celtic Mythology - Another compendium of Celtic Mythology
Gods and Goddesses
Mythical Ireland - Significant tales about individual deities
Temple of Manannan Mac Lir - Myths, poetry, art, and more surrounding Manannan Mac Lir
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